Pro-life. Pro-choice. Perhaps the most fought over words in the English language. The debate stemming from the issue of legalized abortion is one of the most vicious in modern history. The fact that this is an issue, let alone a hard fought debate, is indicative of the trend of modern society into selfishness and decay. The fact that one has to argue over the supposed right of a woman to terminate the life created within is a disturbing face to modern American society. We, as a society, have devolved to the state of the supposedly barbaric and backwards early history, where rather than keep their children, they sacrificed them to some made up deity. Rather than wait for the birth to destroy, we simply cut off the life at its source in these modern times, since it is apparently a woman’s right.
Even as the U.S. Government is supporting the right to terminate a pregnancy, it is condemning the killing of a human fetus. The so called “Laci and Conner’s Act”, named after the grisly murder of Laci and Conner Peterson. (Arkes 2009) This law states that it is a double murder if one murders a pregnant woman. (Arkes 2009) The fact that there is a law against the killing of an unborn baby (albeit, one that the mother apparently has approved for life), and at the same time, it is legal for a woman to terminate her own fetus’s life, is a huge showing of hypocrisy on the part of the U.S. Government. The side of pro choice noted this fact, and as such, did not support this bill, and as Representative Zoe Lofgren, from
The Basis of this “Right”
Since the right of abortion, to those who support it, is just as clear as the right to free speech and freedom of religion, one would assume that this right is clearly backed and based in history and in the earliest writings of
“To reach its result [in Roe v. Wade], the court necessarily had to find within scope of the 14th Amendment, a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the amendment.” (Hair 2009)
The fact is, this right was simply created by supporters of abortion on the Supreme Court. All other rights in the U.S. Constitution have been created and passed through a majority in Congress, not one panel of biased judges. The role of the judicial branch of government is to enforce the law and preserve liberties, not to create new rights and laws. To add to the Constitution, a majority vote of the states is required. In the case of the right to abort, however, it is simply the will of judges.
Even though this right was established, the states have used various methods to limit abortions, such as forcing minors to inform their parents of the fact they are getting an abortion. (Hair 2009) The current President of the
Women’s Rights and Sexual Freedom
The right to abort was heralded as giving women a freedom of sexuality over the archaic principle of having and raising children. This has back-fired. The option of ending a pregnancy between conception and birth has in fact given control of sexuality over the man. (Stith 2009) Rates of unprotected sex have risen dramatically since abortion was made legal, and since this time many men have felt empowered to push what they want in the bedroom, since the woman can simply terminate the pregnancy. (Stith 2009) At any given time in
“…the father and the doctor and the health-insurance actuary can point a finger at her [the pregnant woman] as the person who allowed an inconvenient human being to come into the world.” (2009)
Furthermore, a woman who has become pregnant is often pressured into aborting the baby. In 64% of abortion cases, the woman has been pressured from outside sources- the father, family, or her friends. (Stith 2009) This is not empowering women to live free, independent lives. They are being forced to comply with men’s sexual desires, and when the pregnancy does occur, they are being pushed into having an abortion.
The Value of A Fetus
To those on the pro-choice side, merely being the beginnings of a human being is not enough to be given rights. Assume for a minute, that a fetus has no rights. The mere fact that a fetus can (and will, given the chance), gives the fetus some form of value. It is wrong to terminate something with inherent value, or, in this case, some form of potential existence value. (Williams 2008) In turn, something with value requires proper justification before it can be destroyed. (Pollok 2007) The mere fact that proper justification would be required to destroy a fetus would eliminate many of the over 800,000 abortions that take place every year in the U.S. (Number 2008) What sort of justifications are put forward? Job opportunities, avoiding parental wrath, avoiding morning sickness, and the like are just some basic examples of why abortions are carried out in the
It is not a illogical jump to say that something that has value, something that requires justification to be destroyed, in fact, has an inherent right to exist. This runs counter to the argument that there are no inherent rights, and as such, there is not a problem with destroying unwanted fetuses. However, since a fetus does have a right to life, then the society has a duty to protect the fetus, rather than allow its destruction. (Jones 2007)
Pre-Birth Screening
A popular argument for abortion is to abort babies who have disabilities or handicaps. The rate for abortions for babies with just Down’s syndrome is noted as likely around 90%. (Lindeman 2008) This argument assumes that people with Down’s syndrome are, somehow, less human than other people, simply because they are different. This dehumanization is pushed by the doctors who administer this, and they feed the fear of the unknown. It has been shown in other countries, namely, the Netherlands, which have instituted programs which educate parents on the facts about Down’s, and other similar disabilities in children, rather than push fearful ignorance.(Lindeman 2008) Under these new policies, 50% of women have rejected all pre-birth screening, and as such, the abortion rate for these pregnancies has dropped dramatically. (Lindeman 2008)
Interestingly, this is another point of hypocrisy within the U.S. Government. Long has it been pushing programs which encourage equality among all humans, yet at the same time it has allowed doctors to pressure couples into aborting babies simply because of the risk of disabilities. Those with Down’s do not lead lesser lives, and are not lesser humans. They simply live life differently. If the doctors push abortion for these sorts of disabilities, what others could be next?
Abortion is not a choice, but rather a violation of the rights of being of the fetus. Just having the potential, and ability, to grow into a member of the human species is a guarantee of right to life. There should be no abortions on demand; simply getting rid of unwanted babies. The choice to create the baby is the choice you have. Once you have done the action, you must face the consequences. There are many other options to avoid pregnancy; abortion after the fact should not be one of them in most cases. As a result of the dehumanization of fetuses, and the pushing of the “right” to end this life, abortion has become normalized. Abortion is not a right; it is a termination of innocent life- murder.
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