God and America.
Is this really a good line of thought? I consider myself a patriot, one entirely devoted to America, the dream, the Constitution, freedom, and all that, but at what cost? Do I truly feel that God is above America in my views?
I have come to this line of thought as of late, especially since we have elected, for better or worse, a new President. This election certainly has fanned the flames of zealous support for "our rights as Americans", "our freedoms", and anti-socialism. But at what cost? It is almost, at least in my expirience, as if God has been replaced by Country. What if, in our discussions of politics, or perhaps our focus on saving our "freedoms" (which I would argue are already gone, or at least, pretty much a nil-factor), rather than souls?
I am very much guilty of this trend. Not just because of the now-old elections, but in general. I consider myself to be a Libertarian, or at best, a far-right Republican. I argue with many about the meaning of government, and my theory that government, in an ideal setting, would not regulate as much as it does, (No, I'm not a stoner, and no, I don't think people should be allowed to run around and kill. But really, do they need to spend money to make me wear a seatbelt? Or, do they really need to spend money to make sure that the forklifts at work are a certain shade of yellow?) but that is a discussion for another day. After many of these discussions, I wonder if there is any chance that God can possibly use me to reach such a person in any way. After berating someone, or even winning an arguement with someone, or simply bashing them over the head with right-wing propoganda (yeah, I just called it that), is there really any hope of them being open to me suddenly wanting to encourage them? Is it right for me to discuss politics, which are part of this temporary world, over the fact that the Creator of the universe loves them? What if, many times when I have a chance to affect someone positively, I completely ruin with with a discussion of politics.
Politics is merely a copout, or an obsession, there when you need something to talk about when there is nothing else, or perhaps, you want to "change" America by spreading your opinions. Both sides are equally guilty of this concept. I'll tell you right now that Jesus is a bad capitalist, hell, even a bad individualist. He didn't care for the self, he didn't care about "freedom" or "rights" in this world. He simply came to share a spiritual freedom for a world that is in far worse condition than simply underneath a dictator. He lived in one of the most powerful empires ever, ruled by tyrants, with the mere illusion of freedom, yet He didn't concern himself with the kingdoms of the world, but rather the "Kingdom of Heaven". How I am guilty of pushing a kingdom of the world, when I should be showing the way to the "Kingdom of Heaven". This, is the curse of pariotism: when one's love for one's country supercedes that of one's love for God. I am guilty, and am highly convicted. The church is guilty, and (I hope) convicted. Many other Christians are also guilty.
If you think about it, many things in America are pushing alligence to Country, over God. The Pledge of Alligience, the Oath to the Constitution in the armed forces (I am in no way dissing the armed forces, and am HIGHLY thankful for those who sacrifice even now to assure that I can freely share my views with the country, and worship publicly) are just a couple of examples of this. The view that the Constitution is a near-divine document, or that America is God's "knight in shining armor" are all distractions from what we should be doing as individuals. America is a country, that will someday collapse. Yet we all discuss this flawed, temporary kingdom over the eternal Kingdom of God. Why? Because we are patriots. We are patriots, rather than disciples.
We, as Christians, are all guilty. Perhaps my views are not popular, and I know for a fact that my dad would not approve of my current attitudes, but I am really tired of dancing around a useless passion, when there are hurting people out there who need hope and encouragement. Politics has NEVER saved anyone, given light to the damned, or help to the broken. Patriotism is a curse, and one I am trying to lessen.
"We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them." -Abigail Adams - to John Adams.
-Mr. Revell.